
A Dark Night

 A Dark Night      "Nnngh... ughhh... So....lis? ...No, please!" Fulgur twisted, painfully in his bed, still clinging to the first sleep he'd had in over 60 hours. A handful of words intermingled with the usual groans of pain and terror he awoke from. "So...lis... So...nny." he twisted more, physical pain now matching the emotional as his nerves stung from an unwelcome position. "SONNY!?"      Fulgur spilled out of bed, catching his body with one arm and a knee and pushing himself up to a straight standing position. His vision exploded with light as his entire body stiffened from the pain his spine and nervous system felt. Regardless, he managed to control his mind enough to activate his IIs and view his camera feed into Sonny's room. The broad man was calmly playing video games, still awake and laughing in the hours between night and morning, seemingly not a care in the world about the fight they'd had the previous day. The groaning and gasps

Interim 5: The Ship of Theseus

Interim 5: The Ship of Theseus  Art by 包皮:      "What did you mean about getting the lesson right?" Professor Canis' voice snapped me out of my writing. With a sigh, I shut the book over and spin slightly on the chair to face him.      "Didn't I spell it out well enough in text?" The ticking of the clock in my room punctuated the silence as hound stared down at wolf, neither breaking the silence. Old dogs never learn new tricks. With a dog as old as this one it was surprise enough he still hadn't been put down. If one of us has to be the bigger man...      I sigh gently and prepare to reply but Canis barks out "You tend to meander when you write, kid. You should really learn to keep things simple. Show don't tell and all that." As usual, he smirks down at me with his signature all-knowing attitude.       "Oh, I'm sorry, old man, you must not have focused enough of my education on l

Interim 4: The Case of Solis Legatus

 Interim 4: The Case of Solis Legatus Art by Kris Nguyen:      One final deep breath and then silence. Fulgur Ovid's body went still as a statue as he lay on the ground. The heat left his chest, leaving only the icy coolness that had always existed in his 4 limbs. What was the final thing he would see as he passed away? The grey sky above him as he imagined another life or something beyond this one? The black ground beneath him as he lay face down in the dirt? The red of blood as it sprayed out of his own body where moments ago flesh and bone had been? One thing was for sure. Fulgur Ovid didn't want to be alone when he died. He couldn't stand the idea of letting go of his mortal coil all by himself. No, if he was going to die, he wanted to do so while staring into the eyes of the person who had finally gotten the better of him. What would he feel while looking at that person? Hatred for his life being cut short? Frustration a

Chapter 6 - The Lost Boys

 Chapter 6: The Lost Boys Content Warnings: Gore, Violence, child abuse.       Silence. When was the last time that Fulgur Ovid had experienced such a prolonged period of calm? Sleep didn't come easy to him. When it did it was fleeting and evasive. The cool and dark he was experiencing now had stretched on for what felt like an eternity.      He'd opened his eyes IIs a few times, found glimpses beyond his cocoon, but hardly paid them any mind. Flashes of a hospital room were all he had seen. Doctors panicked as they hurried to stem blood flowing from dozens of shallow wounds. Before he passed out his world had become a cloud of red. A stream of blood from his head dyeing an already limited world until only a single shade remained. Once they'd stopped the flow of blood they were at a loss.      True silence then enveloped him for a while. A dark abyss that he could usually only visit briefly. That sinking, yet weightless feeling. IIs closed and cynets powered down, there was